Difficult Truths: How To Teach Hard History

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
~George Santayana

The Art of Inclusion in the Classroom

Inclusion classrooms are centered around making sure all students are given the richest educational experience possible, but teachers must be mindful to overcome the unique challenges they can present.

Holidays Explained: The 4th of July

Join me today as we are start to take a look at the United States’ national holidays and why we celebrate them. I figured there is no better place to start than where our country did, on the 4th of July!

What’s the Big Deal with Critical Theory Anyway?

In today’s episode we are starting the discussion on Critical Theories in our classrooms by talking about what a Critical Theory is and ways that these theories have leached out of academia into our culture at large.

How High School Students Learn (and get ahead) Through Community Service

Students need to know themselves. Of course, they have a lifetime to discover who they are, but knowing more about themselves can help launch them to even greater heights. Such self-awareness can have a positive impact on letters of recommendation, both for furthering their education and when they enter the workforce. When applying to colleges, many students look the same with their grades, classes, and SAT/ACT scores. The ones that really stand out have proven unique qualities that separate them from everyone else.