The ABCs of School Funding

Discover the ABCs of School Funding in the United States, demystifying the complexities behind federal, state, and local funding sources. Learn how public schools get funded and explore potential solutions like school choice. Get involved to make a difference in your local education system’s funding formula. Read now to understand the dynamics that shape American education financing.

Learning Losses Due to COVID

Teachers and school districts nationwide are doing their best to clean up the mess of the past 3 years. This will not be a simple process. Important decisions need to be made as states consider which interventions and programs to implement in order to make up the learning losses.

Civics: An Essential Subject Pushed Aside

We do our students a disservice when we don’t teach them about their government.  Though many consider civics a higher-level subject, it can easily be adapted for younger grade levels to help them begin understanding and engaging with key concepts.

Social Delays After the COVID-19 Pandemic

But how do children learn to appropriately and confidently engage in social interactions when they miss out on chances to play with peers or aren’t allowed to go out into the community? How do adults maintain those skills when not offered opportunities for socialization?

An Interview with the Good Patriot

“Hello, I am Katie from the social media channel, “Good Patriot.” My purpose online is to help encourage and educate people in their faith and freedom”

COVID Speech Delay in Kids

” … As adults, this is a relatively short period of our lives; but for young children who have been born in the last few years, this is all they know. These are some of the most crucial years in a child’s overall development.  This leads us to wonder: Has the pandemic impacted the speech and language development of young children?”

The Art of Inclusion in the Classroom

Inclusion classrooms are centered around making sure all students are given the richest educational experience possible, but teachers must be mindful to overcome the unique challenges they can present.

Holidays Explained: The 4th of July

Join me today as we are start to take a look at the United States’ national holidays and why we celebrate them. I figured there is no better place to start than where our country did, on the 4th of July!