15 Famous Homeschoolers: Past and Present

Are you thinking about homeschooling your child? Perhaps you’re 90% sure you’re going to jump in but would like one more piece of information to convince yourself to take the leap, or maybe you’re already on your homeschooling adventure and want to give your child something for motivation. 

Meet Kelly

Meet Kelly! “As a teacher I valued proficiency-based language instruction and storytelling as a way to engage students.”

Learning Losses Due to COVID

Teachers and school districts nationwide are doing their best to clean up the mess of the past 3 years. This will not be a simple process. Important decisions need to be made as states consider which interventions and programs to implement in order to make up the learning losses.

The Case Against Standardized Testing

It is an important staple of the American education system and is used to determine many things like whether you can advance to the next grade, graduate, or even go to the college, university, or graduate school of your choice. They are even used by the military to allocate job assignments.

Civics: An Essential Subject Pushed Aside

We do our students a disservice when we don’t teach them about their government.  Though many consider civics a higher-level subject, it can easily be adapted for younger grade levels to help them begin understanding and engaging with key concepts.